The Lyme Disease Pandemic Revisited
How is it that:
Certainly, signs of a Cover-Up going on…
Why? According to reliable sources:
In short, it would appear that our government, the health industry, and all the above has an evil and powerful core at work that needs to be exposed and held accountable for a lengthy and very harmful cover-up.
How to Expose the Cover Up:
At the national political level, Chris Smith, Congressman from N.J. has pushed for an investigation.
However he is allowing the DOD ‘s (Department of Defense) investigative arm to do this.
A good start but this is like asking the accused to investigate itself, a total oxymoron and likely another layer of cover up to be created.
What needs to happen:
To get to the bottom of all this, a special investigator with vast powers like Robert Moeller would be the vehicle to finally reveal the truth.
Given the level and pervasiveness of corruption in our government and all the above, it will take literally a massive uprising and petitioning of elected officials. (Note Representative Chris Smith referring to “huge push back” when he has tried to get an investigation going)
It could start by asking the CDC to release the Lyme genome (conveniently locked up). And have it analyzed. Likely people at the CDC already know the truth but have been afraid to speak up….
Then , since the CDC is likely involved in the Cover Up and would likely deliver an unauthentic genome , the Lyme Genome needs to be independently established.
To do so bacterial samples from Lyme patients who have tested positive need to be taken and the genome(s) determined and analyzed by non-biased research microbiologists. Time for some simple objective science and truth.
Microbiologists who have already done some research along these lines could chime in.
This should lead to the revealing information that indeed Lyme is a bio engineered disease, or maybe it isn’t…
If it is bioengineered. At the very least it would be time for the medical establishment to educate doctors and the public, take care of the ill, develop a cure, and give reliable tests to those showing symptoms.
Then those responsible and the accomplices need to be held accountable.
And are they not literally guilty of crimes against humanity?
America is in need of a vast purging and a return to core values of honesty and caring at the very least.
And our scientific/medical system is obviously broken and in need of serious repair.
At least the truth will have been established.
I offer up this information as a sufferer of Lyme disease and as someone who deeply cares and would like to see the suffering of millions alleviated. I also would like to see the rotten element (black hats) in our government removed, brought to trial, and, at a deeper level, a new form of checks and balances needs to be considered.
Time for some truth and safety in this world!
Jeffre Many Hats
Jacob Lemieux:
D. Scott Samuels: 406-243-6145
Justin Radolf UConn Health: 869-679-2000