The Human Race Seen as Cancer


“‘I entered the sweat lodge. I made my prayers strong and clear: to turn things around . Ideas and  thoughts came , then and later . They askedto be written.
An omen signed they be published. Thus have I done.
Jeffrey Strong-On-The-Path

Driving across this country, seeing the concentrations of people, the sheer numbers; reading about the environmental devastation of polluted waters, dying lakes, oceans and forests; observing the smog everywhere and the selfish self- gratifying pleasures of people, I can only come to one inescapable conclusion: the human race is the cancer of the earth. are hurting ourselves so badly that it is been known to reverse itself.
It is a conclusion that hurts, but we one we must face. After all , cancer has been known to reverse itself.
The human race appears very much as a cancer. The c i t i e s are tumors spreading malignantly out into the countryside, growing in total disregard to their effect upon their host–the earth. From these tumors, toxic products are emitted into the surrounding environment, slowly but surely killing the host. The individual cells (people live in ignorance of their total effect and only lust to multiply and spread. In their perversity they shut themselves off further and further from their environment; buildings, curtains, televisions, VCR’s, walkmans, e t c . . . solely interested in their interactions with themselves ,killing and distancing themselves from the animals and plants–the healthy cells of the host. They grind up the host’s bones (rock) to create structures more to their liking, dam up and divert blood (water) and poison it, suck fluids (oil), enslave and slaughter animals for consumption, and deplete oxygen, like malignant parasites. This we do thought lessly, relentlessly, even if it means our death. We are very sick, as sick as terminal cancer.

Our host is alive , however , and  in a self – importance and arrogance, we humans are nothing compared to the power of the earth, which we take for granted.
The native Americans speak of the earth as mother and as alive. Indeed she has given birth to our race and all that is. They say that she will do what is nec- essary to restore balance. They point out that the earth’s surface, the mantle,
is like a skin, like the skin that forms on the surface of a cooling hot soup. The damming of the rivers, the drilling of deep wells for  nuclear waste depositories, and the general pollution of both the air and the water, all contribute to weaken and create tension in this mantle. They say that seismic shifts and fi r e ultimately will result if these imbalances are not tended to.
We can tend to these imbalances however, but only if we become aware. Be- cause it is the hundreds of decisions to choices we make each day that add up to
the sum total that is this problem–this environmental problem. This awareness can start by realizing what a cancer we have become, how sickening it is that suddenly there are 5 billion human beings here, so suddenly when viewed on the scale of history. We have literally crowded everything else out.
To become aware we must first seek to become healthy cells again. This means
attempting to come back into balance with the healthy c e l l s remaining, or simply put: get back out into nature. Get away from the hustle and bustle of humanity and get back out on the earth. Seek contact once again with the s o i l , the topography, the plants, the trees, the winged ones, the water creatures, the creatures that crawl, and the four leggeds. The white man’s mode has been to dominate and conquer nature, which is how this separation began, and by gloating in our success we fueled the
fi r e s that caused us to become self-centered and uncaring. Rather don’t be a f r a i d , c o m e b a c k t o n a t u r e a s o n e s e e k i n g o n e n e s s a n d s i m p l i c i t y . Go d e e p i n t o the forest and find a place of beauty–a power spot. Recognize yourself as un-
healthy, sit down and pray, pray to this earth and this sun, pray to our creator, we need help. Come often; don’t just make a token visit to some forest or national park. Thankfully such places s t i l l exist and hopefully you won’t have to go far. Go by yourself and immerse yourself in nature and ask for inspiration and guidance –and stay still and silent and listen, because, by God, we need it. This health,
this insight, this feeling of awe that nature gives, we need more than anything to turn things around.

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