Lyme Coverup Page:
PLOS Pathogens I had the good fortune to read a website in 2017 that suggested lyme was a lab leak and it was built up from relapsing fever, tetanus, and malaria for starters ( add leprosy? as dapsone for leprosy is being found to kill lyme). And interestingly an herbal used against malaria, cryptolepis, from Africa, is being found to be effective against lyme in all forms. It is a “stealth disease” evading the immune system (like relapsing fever) and it can biofilm (go into a cocoon impervious to antibiotics) like malaria. Simple genome comparison and analysis could provide the proof of it being bioengineered or not. So far I, a person of little wealth, have not been able to find a researcher. And if I did the price tag is likely to be beyond my affordability. Below is my 2018 take on the situation: