Am I the only one who happened to watch a Link TV documentary back in 2009 of European (Scandinavian, I believe) scientists studying temperature change due to Global Warming (Climate Change not in the vocabulary yet). I had missed the beginning, and they were summarizing their projection. First, they saw that the steady straight line temperature increase would cause the permafrost to thaw. This would cause methane to be released which is some 28-80 times worse than CO2 (80 initially then it degrades). The temperature curve started an upward rise.
After about 25 years as I recall this temperature spike warmed the oceans 5.6°F, which caused the vast liquid methane pockets at the bottom of river estuaries to turn to gas. The temperature curve then took on a parabolic rise.By 2082, as I remember, their model predicted an 18® F temperature rise! They pointed out matter-of-factly that in past geological eras these were ages of mass extinctions.
Once the gravity and severity of Climate Change is realized, a “warlike” global effort would solve Climate Change as in we all face a common enemy. Some steps will be required: Convincing irrefutable Scientific data that urgent action is required (ever increasing methane increase from tundra thawing). The realization that defense and other budgets will need to be redirected towards solutions, achievable by a truce agreement to stop weapon development and warfare in general, and a broad set of agreements:
Becoming as close to Zero Carbon Emissions ASAP
End deforestation, repair damaged climate systems, reforesting, and planting as much vegetation as possible.
Water purity, conservation, and availability
Negative population growth, something like, say, WOW1, Women of the World one child max and free contraception. What is a truly sustainable human population and how to get there?
Am I the only one who read : “The genetic structure of SaRS-COV-2 does not rule out a lab origin“: In brief, The genome is 5% pangolin (the spikes), 95% RATG-13, a bat virus found in a cave in China after 3 miners died there(and Wuhan took extensive samples) , a furin cleavage site (a lab enhancement, “ this type of site is unique to SARS-CoV-2.” ) and a curious “label”, a sequence to recognize the virus in the works. This scientific paper was published on November 17, 2020. Simple conclusion: COVID is a lab leak.